It avoids the intellectualism of christian theology . 它回避宗教神学的唯理智论。
The area of christian theology concerning her is mariology 基督教神学领域有包括玛丽亚的研究学说。
God and eternal law-on the universalistic tradition in christian theology 民族主义与近代中国基督教教育
Xu dishan was a christian, and many of his works expressed some idea of christian theology, more or less 摘要许地山是位基督徒,他的许多作品,或显或隐地表达了基督神学思想。
What action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled reincarnation from christian theology 问?可以讲述在早期的教会的有关从基督教教义中将转世剔除的事件吗?
Q ) what action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled reincarnation from christian theology 问?可以讲述在早期的教会的有关从基督教教义中将转世剔除的事件吗?
It is equally certain that they are in the hands of people ( the vatican in rome ) who do not intend to make them available to christian theology " 同样无可争议的是:它们在人民(罗马的梵谛冈)的掌握中,人们无意将其提供给宗教神学”。
For having completely expounded contents, features and methods of rational theology, aquinas had produced an epoch-making influence on the western history of christian theology 阿奎那对理性神学的内容、特征和方法的全面探究,在基督教神学思想史上产生了非常重要的影响和作用。